1 Million Scholarships Project for Africans

> Volunteer

Volunteer with us

Donate your time and make a difference. Supporting students from across the world means there are always plenty of opportunities for everyone to contribute to this life changing project. You can volunteer with 1 Million Scholarship for Africa Project’s different programs in various locations by volunteering to provide tutorials or sharing practical lessons with our students at the country levels.

Opportunities available: Will be announced soon

Positions available

When: 4-5 days in August or September


Who can volunteer:

What is required:

Fundraising volunteer

The 1 Million Scholarship for Africa Project holds fundraising drives twice a year across Africa. These fundraisers are primarily organized by the 1 Million Scholarship for Africa Project students, but all members of the public are welcome to get involved in building a future for disadvantaged youth in Japan and around the world. Young or old, Japanese or otherwise—everyone is invited to join!

When: April and October

Where: All major train stations in Japan

Ideal for: Anyone

Ideal skills: Positive attitude, confidence in speaking to the public

Learn more about our student-led activism