International Open University
> Exam Helpdesk
Exam Helpdesk
A 24/7 Exam Help Desk has been set up by the IOU for the final exams. You may contact the Exam Help Desk any time during the exam period InshaAllah. The Exam Help Desk may be contacted by one of the following methods:
Live Chat Link:
You may chat with one of our help desk officers any time during the exam period from this page, inshaAllah.
You may email our help desk any time by emailing at during the exam period, inshaAllah.
What is the help desk for?
The help desk is meant primarily for resolving any issue that may arise if an exam attempt is interrupted due to internet / power failure and the center/proctor is facing any problem in resetting it.
You may also contact the help desk for any other issue or problem faced at the exam center.
Important points to note:
Reset by Proctors
Reset by IOU Exam Helpdesk
In cases where the proctor is unable to reset himself, they may request the IOU Exam HelpDesk to do the reset
For this
At the request of the proctor the exam will be reset for the student by the help desk officer after due checking, inshaAllah.
The proctor/exam center should include the following details in the reset request email and should only email us by their official email ID which has already been submitted to IOU.
Please note that the exam will only be reset if we will receive an email at from the proctor’s/center’s email ID which has been submitted and is recorded in our database. Emails sent from other IDs will not be entertained nor will the exam be reset on the basis of the request made on phone or live chat. The email from the email ID submitted in IOU records must accompany the phone / live chat request.