Humakousar Sangreskop holds a Master of Computer Application from the BVB College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli, and a Bachelor in Computer Application from the AIIS & Management, Dharwad. She also has a Certificate in Android Development Using Java Technologies and Certificate in Web Component Development Using ASP.NET. Sr. Humakousar is a competent and highly talented lecturer. She currently lectures for the Anjuman Institute of Information Science and Management, Dharwad, as an information technology lecturer.
Humakousar Sangreskop holds a Master of Computer Application from the BVB College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli, and a Bachelor in Computer Application from the AIIS & Management, Dharwad. She also has a Certificate in Android Development Using Java Technologies and Certificate in Web Component Development Using ASP.NET. Sr. Humakousar is a competent and highly talented lecturer. She currently lectures for the Anjuman Institute of Information Science and Management, Dharwad, as an information technology lecturer.