Raadila B M Hajee Ahmud-Boodoo has a Bachelor degree in Information Systems and Technology and a Master degree in Computer Science with specialization in Software Engineering. She is currently doing her PhD in Information Systems at Curtin University of Technology, Australia. Her current research interests are directed towards the Semantic Web, E-learning and Web 3.0 in Education. She has several years of experience, both as an IT educator and as a Systems administrator, within Australia and abroad.
Raadila B M Hajee Ahmud-Boodoo has a Bachelor degree in Information Systems and Technology and a Master degree in Computer Science with specialization in Software Engineering. She is currently doing her PhD in Information Systems at Curtin University of Technology, Australia. Her current research interests are directed towards the Semantic Web, E-learning and Web 3.0 in Education. She has several years of experience, both as an IT educator and as a Systems administrator, within Australia and abroad.