International Open University
> Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) at IOU
The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process through which formal, non-formal and informal learning are measured, mediated for recognition across different contexts and certified against the requirements for access, inclusion, credit or advancement in formal education at the Islamic Online University (IOU).
RPL provides an opportunity for you to identify your learning (including work experience, in-service training, self-study or life experience such as voluntary or community work), have it assessed and formally acknowledged. The aim is to make it possible to obtain formal recognition for knowledge gained throughout life, such as in workplaces and own reading or experiences.
- Categories of learning
Formal learning refers to intentional and structured learning which is formally assessed and is obtained through participating in credit-bearing, formally registered learning programmes/qualifications completed at a registered and accredited higher education institution.
Non-formal learning refers to intentional learning which is acquired through participation in workplace-based and/or community-based training, courses, short-learning programmes, studies at Islamic seminaries (Madaaris) or workshops but which does not form part of a registered qualification.
Informal learning refers to knowledge and skills which are acquired through life experience, self-study and personal inquiry and reflection.
At IOU, RPL can be done against qualifications offered by IOU and has three options for RPL, namely:
- access into first-year of programmes for applicants older than 23 years
- exemption from certain courses/modules
- RPL for advanced standing into post-graduate studies
A) Gaining access into a first year of a qualification
If you have considerable work experience – more than five (5) years – that is related to the course you want to study, but you don’t meet the academic requirements for entry into the first year of the programme, you may want to apply for RPL for access. Each programme has particular RPL requirements and applications are evaluated against these. As part of your RPL application, you have to prove that you have acquired the required skills and knowledge (i.e. competence) through work experience.
B) Exemption from courses/modules via RPL
You might have gained knowledge in specific areas through informal learning and non-formal learning. If this knowledge is closely related to the learning outcomes as part of an IOU qualification that you want to enrol for, you may want to apply for exemption via RPL. In this case, your knowledge will need to be compared to the learning outcomes of a particular course(s)/module(s) to be recognised. In your RPL application you have to provide evidence that you have, through work experience, acquired the competence as described in the outcomes of that particular course/module. Once the assessment is done, IOU might give exemption from some courses/modules, but not for the entire qualification.
IOU has RPL agreements in place with specific institutions offering non-formal learning (Mishkah University, Preston University and Knowledge International University). If you have completed non-formal learning at one of these institutions, then the RPL application will be simplified.
Difference between exemption via RPL and exemption via Credit Transfer.
You may have successfully completed courses/modules at another registered and accredited higher education institution that are similar to courses/modules of the IOU qualification you want to study. This is referred to as formal learning. In this case, you may apply to be exempt from having to redo the courses/modules and have the credits transferred to your IOU qualification. This is called Credit Transfer and is handled by the Credit Transfer section of the Registrar’s Office.
There are guidelines governing the maximum number of subjects for which exemption via RPL and exemption via Credit Transfer can be granted. According to common international guidelines for universities, students must complete at least 50% of the subjects in any programme at the institution awarding the qualification.
C) Advanced Standing into post-graduate courses:
You may apply for advanced standing into our post-graduate studies if you don’t meet the entry requirements of these qualifications. This type of RPL provides for the recognition of knowledge at a higher level than undergraduate qualifications.
- What is not RPL?
The following requests do NOT qualify as RPL:
- Status for a qualification obtained at another university/college (not at IOU).
If you have an existing qualification (from another higher education institution) and would like to continue your studies in the same discipline, you do NOT go through the RPL process. You follow the normal process of application.
- Credits for a course/module completed at another university or another IOU department or IOU subsidiary.
You may request the recognition of the credits for this module as part of a different programme at IOU, or from another university via Credit Transfer.
- Obtaining a qualification without registering for it.
RPL is NOT a process through which you can obtain a qualification without registering and studying for it. You can gain access to a programme through RPL, but a qualification is NOT granted on the basis of RPL alone. Only status is granted if you do not have the required qualification to gain access to a programme.
- Principles of RPL
Recognition of prior learning allows access to further (post-graduate) study by granting the status, but not the award of the prerequisite qualification.
The IOU does not accept any form of RPL assessment undertaken by any other institution.
Any recognition of prior learning granted is valid only for the period specified by the Office for Teaching and Learning (OTL) at IOU.
Admission to IOU, based on RPL, is subject to the rules and regulations of the University.
Recognition is given only for current competence.
RPL is programme-specific- recognition is given only for learning that is aligned to the learning outcomes and assessment criteria of a specific programme or module.
As an applicant, you will undergo a formal RPL process that usually involves a lengthy process – it is not a single event.
You will have to provide evidence (e.g. portfolios, assessments, interviews, etc.) that must be assessed as relevant, sufficient, authentic and current.
Quality assurance processes guarantee the integrity and credibility of all aspects of the RPL process.
An RPL application fee is payable, separate from an additional RPL assessment fee that may be levied based on the nature of the RPL application, as well as an admission/registration fee should the RPL application be successful. RPL application and assessment fees are non-refundable, irrespective of the outcome of RPL process. The payment of RPL application fees does not guarantee any recommendation for admission into a programme.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of any stage of the RPL process, you can appeal to the Director: Teaching and Learning and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic.
Once registered for a programme, you become a member of the student body and all academic rules and regulations apply.
- Important information
RPL is generally a lengthy process. Depending on the level of study and types of learning you acquired, it can take weeks to go through the RPL process. RPL applications based on non-formal learning acquired at a pre-determined institution (in an existing agreement with IOU, including Mishkah University, Preston University and Knowledge International University) will be processed much faster.
To go through the whole RPL process will require the payment of different fees, namely an RPL application fee, and an additional RPL assessment fee payable if the application requires additional assessment and evaluation (determined by the OTL). The RPL Coordinator in the OTL at IOU will advise if the RPL application will require an RPL assessment fee. An RPL application may be lodged, thereafter, you will be advised of the fees that apply. An RPL application form will only be processed after the fee(s) have been paid.
The applicant cannot obtain a qualification through RPL — only through the successful completion of the programme will a student obtain a qualification.
Checklist for applying for RPL
Please ensure that you meet the criteria for the specific type of RPL application before applying:
- Gaining access into a first year of a qualification
- 23 years of age or older
- consulted the conventional entry requirements of the programme/qualification, and feel that your application would have merit and justify admission.
- five years or more of relevant and considerable experience (that would equip you to enter the academic programme/qualification)
- have acquired informal and/or non-formal learning that could equate to the level of learning required to enter the programme (short courses, workshops, seminars, Islamic seminary attendance, work-based learning, continuous professional development, etc.) – evidence of this will be needed and would have to be supplied, including course/workshop/study outlines (with detailed information of content learnt and applicable outcomes) where applicable
- prepared for a full investigation — verification of documents and learning to be conducted, including personal interviews
- Exemption from courses/modules via RPL
- 23 years of age or older
- consulted the core content and learning outcomes of the course(s)/module(s), and feel that your application would have merit and justify exemption
- three years or more of relevant and considerable experience (that would equip you to be exempted)
- have acquired informal and/or non-formal learning that could equate to the level of learning required to be exempted (short courses, workshops, seminars, Islamic seminary attendance, work-based learning, continuous professional development, etc.) – evidence of this will be needed and would have to be supplied, including course/workshop/study outlines (with detailed information of content learnt and applicable learning outcomes) where applicable
- prepared for a full investigation — verification of documents and learning to be conducted, including personal interviews
C. Advanced Standing into post-graduate courses:
- 23 years of age or older
- consulted the core content and learning outcomes of the course(s)/module(s), and feel that your application would have merit and justify advanced standing
- two years or more of relevant and considerable experience (that would equip you to be granted advanced standing)
- have acquired informal and/or non-formal learning that could equate to the level of learning required to be granted advanced standing (research experience, short courses, workshops, seminars, Islamic seminary attendance, work-based learning, continuous professional development, etc.) – evidence of this will be needed and would have to be supplied, including course/workshop/study outlines (with detailed information of content learnt and applicable learning outcomes) where applicable
- prepared for a full investigation — verification of documents and learning to be conducted, including personal interviews
- How to apply for RPL
Step 1
Read through the guidelines above to assist you in determining whether you should apply for RPL or not. You may contact the Help Desk with any queries.
Step 2
Complete the RPL application form, upload any basic evidence, and wait for the request for fees applicable to processing the application.
Step 3
Pay the fees as requested.
Step 4
Should additional evidence and assessment procedures be needed and apply, the RPL Coordinator will contact you with details. An assessor and/or moderator may interact you in this regard. You are required to meet the requests of the RPL Coordinator, Assessor, and any other staff from the Office of Teaching and Learning. You may track the status of your evaluation with the RPL coordinator [].
Step 5
The outcome of your RPL application will be communicated to you officially via email. If successful, you will be required to enroll in a programme. If unsuccessful, you may contact the RPL Coordinator for information about your options.