Short Training Programme in Islamic Banking and Finance
> > For Banking and Finance Professionals
About the Programme
In order to respond to the growing needs for capacity building in the Islamic Banking and Finance industry, the International Open University (IOU) offers a short training programme for professionals in banking and finance sector. The training programme is conducted under the capacity building with its aim to contribute to the development of institutional capacity within the various segments of Islamic finance. It will facilitate further development of Islamic finance as well as deepen participants / institutions knowledge and skills in the respective area. The IOU’s programme instructors are qualified professionals, equipped with relevant knowledge and experience in Islamic banking and finance. They have expertise in delivering online and onsite training packages.

Focus of the Programme
The main focus of the programme is to enhance in-depth understanding and expand the specific knowledge of Islamic finance among professionals of banks and financial institutions. Areas to be covered in the programme are:

Fundamentals of Islamic Banking and Finance M.K.Zaman
Islamic Banking Consultant Australia

Islamic Capital Market Mansoor Danish
Faculty Islamic Finance IOU

Islamic Micro Finance Fouzia Jan
Ph.D. Islamic Micro Finance

Risk Management in Capital Banks Hamar Jaw
Center bank of gambia

Islamic Insurance Mufti Assad Gul
Expert Islamic Finance

Accounting for Islamic Financial Institutions Nissar Ahmad Yatoo
Ph.D. Islamic Finance Faculty IOU
Structure of the Programme
This training programme consists of two phases:
Phase 1: Recorded Sessions and Exercise
It covers six subjects (i.e., recorded sessions) and each will be delivered in twelve sub- sessions (modules) of ten minutes duration. Each course is followed by a small exercise of twenty minutes to strengthen the learning of participants.
Phase 2: Live Sessions (Practical Exercise / Case Studies)
After completing the first phase and depending upon the requirements of participants, few live sessions will be conducted based on course related exercises and case studies. The participants will be given an opportunity to have round-table discussion on course related issues and queries. Content and duration of the live session will depend on the participants’ purpose for joining the program and their requirements.
Delivery Options
Option 1
Three days programme
Total duration of the programme will be 18 hours and will be delivered continuously for three days with distribution of six hours a day. Each day two recorded sessions (each of two hours duration) will be delivered, which will be followed by short exercises and live sessions.
A separate exercise and live session will be there after delivery of every recorded session
Option 2
One week (six days) programme
Total duration of the programme will be 18 hours and will be delivered continuously for six days with distribution of three hours a day.
Each day one recorded sessions of two hours duration will be delivered, which will followed by short exercise and live session.
Option 3
Three days programme
Total duration of the programme will be 18 hours and will be delivered continuously during three weekends (Saturdays or Sundays) with distribution of six hours a day. Each day two recorded sessions (each of two hours duration) will be delivered, which will followed by short exercises and live sessions. A separate exercise and live session will be there after delivery of every recorded session