Certificate In Information Technology (CIT)

> Course Overview



Have you ever downloaded or searched through a Qur’an or hadith application and wished to have the knowledge to make an app of your own in order to get that enormous continuous reward? The Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) is an introduction program to the exciting world of computers, where the possibilities are limited only to one’s own imagination. IT is the application of computers and telecommunication systems to produce, manipulate, store, organize, retrieve, and transmit data. It involves development, installation, implementation, management, and maintenance of computer hardware and software within companies, universities, and other organizations.

International Open University joins worldly IT knowledge and Islamic knowledge in this amazing program. Hence, IOU has created a unique opportunity for students to fulfill their religious duty of seeking and sharing knowledge while securing worldly benefits.

“The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.” (Al-Mu?jam Al-Awsat, 5787) “

The Certificate in Information Technology program can later be applied to a 2-year Diploma or 4-year Bachelor in the same field.

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