Международный Открытый Университет

> Duration


The qualification shall extend over the periods as reflected below, in accordance with the registration type:

Full-time registration*

Minimum period: 4 years

Maximum duration: 6 years

Part-time registration*

Minimum period: 6 years

Maximum duration: 9 years

*Normal programme duration plus 50% of normal duration

Full-time study permits the student to register for modules totalling a maximum of 60 credits (600 notional hours) per semester.

Part-time study permits the student to register for modules totalling a maximum of 40 credits (400 notional hours) per semester.

Should a student be unable to study during a specific semester, then he/she may apply to the Faculty Management Committee to place the studies in abeyance for a period not exceeding 12 consecutive months. The abeyance period will not be considered as part of the maximum duration permitted for the completion of the programme.

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