Lailatul Hidayah holds a Master of Computer Science from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and a Bachelor of Informatics Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). SVAMP: Sequence Variation Analysis, Maps and Phylogeny; Genomic Data Analysis of a Novel Genome; Trip Segmentation and Trip Purpose Detection are few from among her projects. Currently, Sr. Lailatul is a research assistant at the Monash University Malaysia. Furthermore, she is overseeing a telemedicine project and supervising the final year projects of the IT students.
Lailatul Hidayah holds a Master of Computer Science from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and a Bachelor of Informatics Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). SVAMP: Sequence Variation Analysis, Maps and Phylogeny; Genomic Data Analysis of a Novel Genome; Trip Segmentation and Trip Purpose Detection are few from among her projects. Currently, Sr. Lailatul is a research assistant at the Monash University Malaysia. Furthermore, she is overseeing a telemedicine project and supervising the final year projects of the IT students.