Международный Открытый Университет

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The First Global Conference on Disability and Islam organized by DEEN Support Services is now OPEN for registration.

Two IOU graduates will be presenting at the conference - Rafia Haniff-Cleofas and Eva Ishaq 

IOU encourages you to hear diverse perspectives related to disability and Islam from presenters all over the world. All are welcome to attend this FREE conference.

The goal of this conference is to advance the understandings of Islam and disability, the needs of Muslims with disabilities within an Islamic and societal context, and the responsibilities of Muslim communities to support individuals with disabilities.

This virtual, multi-disciplinary conference brings together the work of service providers, academics, Islamic scholars, individuals with lived experience of disability, and disability advocates to explore opportunities and challenges for Muslims with disabilities in both Muslim majority and minority contexts.

Register today at www.deensupportservices.ca/gcdi